Expect the Unex”SPEC”ted: AJ Diesel
Zap-Kapow Comics enthusiasts, AJ Diesel here! You may have read some of my work on other comic book platforms, and now I’ll be dropping inklets of knowledge here on one of my favorite comic book sites, Zap-Kapow Comics!
Top 10 Most Valuable Comic Books From The 70’s
Also known as the Bronze Age, the 70’s were a hot decade for collectors, featuring key issues and first appearances from some of the comic book industries hottest characters.
Top 10 Most Valuable Comic Books From The 80’s
In our opinion, the 1980’s ruled. Parachute pants, neon sunglasses, and Spider-Man in an all-black suit. Does it get any better?
Guide: How To Grade Your Comic Books
You’ve got boxes and boxes of comic books and think they’re all worth big money, and they might be, but not every comic is equal.
Top 10 (Or So) Homage Covers Of All-Time
Fans love ’em, and artists love making them. So without further ado, here’s our list of some of the best comic book homage or swipe covers of all time.