Expect the Unex”SPEC”ted: The Supernaturals

The Supernaturals, consisting of Brother Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Satana, Black Cat, Gargoyle, and Werewolf By Night, is every ounce of macabre that you’ve been looking for in a comic book.
Marvel Supernaturals
By AJ Diesel

Welcome back to my second installment of The Unex”SPEC”ted! I would like to give you all two articles a month, and hopefully as my schedule clears, one per week! My sole objective in writing these articles is to educate, inform, and perhaps introduce you to some comics that you’re not familiar with! As always, I am open to comments and feedback from the wonderful community of Zap-Kapow Comics!

In the game of speculation, we need to be ahead of the curve! We don’t want to be the person reading about a book catching heat on one of the many comic platforms out there. We want to be the person making the prediction before anyone else, thus enjoying the highest reward. Buy low, sell high! 

As fall nears, I like to enjoy my horror comics that much more. Horror has always been a cult type interest, but in the past several years, horror is becoming much more acclaimed in popular culture. The book(s) that I’ve been picking up everywhere I see them are Marvels 1998 four-part series The Supernaturals!

The Supernaturals

This is an awesome mini-series that Marvel put out, which involved tertiary characters at the time, but those characters have seen significant gains since! As Marvel continues to go a bit of a horror route in the MCU, several if not all of these characters could begin making appearances! 

The team consisting of Brother Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Satana, Black Cat, Gargoyle, and Werewolf By Night, is every ounce of macabre that you’ve been looking to get ahold of before October. I truly feel these are solid investment books if bought in high grade and at the right price, BUT…only if they contain the masks inside! The cool thing about these books is that they contain one of five cardboard Halloween masks in the centerfold of the book. I have come across many copies that do not contain the masks or the masks are already loose. When searching, attempt to find the cleanest copy, with a fully intact mask in the middle. The five masks include Satana, Gargoyle, Brother Voodoo, Werewolf by Night, and the rarest in Ghost Rider! 

There is a good chance these books are still hidden in $1 bins at your LCS, and I strongly encourage you pick up any and all copies that you find! This is the perfect example of a book that is just waiting to appear on hot 10 lists, and you’re going to be kicking yourself if you don’t buy now! With Halloween approaching, these books will see gains just because of the season, but expect these books to hold value, as more people become aware that they are out there! 

Good luck and happy hunting! I already have an article prepared for next week, so you’ll be hearing from me then. Until then my friends, I bid you adieu.

Zap-Kapow Comics

Top 10 (Or So) Homage Covers Of All-Time

Fans love ’em, and artists love making them. So without further ado, here’s our list of some of the best comic book homage or swipe covers of all time.